Sunday, April 24, 2016

Remember to take a break from the normal writing routine to enjoy spring, and to take in inspiration. This can clear your mind and open you up to a new idea.

THE WOMAN WOULD be well-known around the world in the future, but there was no way she could have known that now. What woman could begin to understand, or could predict the future? Twenty-one year-old Crystal Clary reached out into the dark night, her fingers blindly reading the wall, like braille, searching for the edge near the rail, leading to the staircase. She didn't dare flip the light switch in the hall. She did not dare make a sound. Not even a whisper. Not now.
   Silently, Crystal tiptoed down the staircase, the sticky feel of the marble floor on her bare feet sent a chill up her back, where hairs she didn't even know existed, stood out like a spooked cat. Shoes dangling in her left hand along with Tom's car keys.
   Earlier that day, Moray, placed his clammy unwanted hands on her shoulder, and informed her he was interested in a relationship; with her. His eyes told a different story---frightening gaze.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

In scenes where knowledge must be communicated, characters in the story should still be acting, moving, and convey emotion to keep the story flowing smoothly. If you want to carry the feeling of conflict over a long period, clothing and hair out of place, weight loss, upset stomach along with headaches and difficulty sleeping will give this impression.