Monday, September 5, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Love the Character:

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Love the Character:: First we need traits, attitudes, and actions the reader's will love, but here's the problem: If Jackie is too perfect, your audi...

Love the Character:

First we need traits, attitudes, and actions the reader's will love, but here's the problem: If Jackie is too perfect, your audience may not believe in the character. A balance between actual caring and whether the audience can believe in the character is a tight rope balance.
   To solve this problem the writer needs to give Jackie some sign of affection that is not perfect. Jackie must have a small minor failing or weakness in her character or behavior to make us believe in her.
   Let's say she is honest, physically attractive, and has a great sense of humor--but she also has a drinking problem. Jackie comes to the rescue when her best friend is arrested for a murder she didn't commit. You like her already. Right.