Monday, December 5, 2016

Judge #22 24th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards Review

Sphere Talamh presents with a nice hardcover book design. The storyline is that of time travel and government forces. There is mystery and intrigue and a little love thrown into the mix.
I like the storyline and plot points. It is not necessarily unique. But the time travel helps to move things into a bit of a uniqueness that keeps the reader reading and the pages turning.
The author has a nice voice for the genre. She has a sharp mind and a fast-paced writing style that are both a credit to her score here.
The over-all production quality of the book is well above average. And the technical editing is very good. It is nice to read a book that has been thoroughly edited as I believe this book to be. The writing style makes it a pleasure to read. I hope the author continues to write and that she is proud of this effort. Thank you for sharing your world with us! Best of luck with this project.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures:                          THE                     ...

Crystal Clary Life Adventures:                          THE
:                          THE                       OPEN                       MIND                                    By Crystal Cla...


                                  By Crystal Clary
When I was a child, magazines or books about the wild west with equine as their form of travel inspired me to hop on the back of my Thoroughbred horse "Sissy" and ride like the wind through the miles upon miles of orange groves that surrounded my home in the country. Sissy would oblige my indulgence with zeal being an ex-racehorse who still loved to do a quarter run; full-board. My mind could dream that I was hot on the trail of a wanted "bad guy" who slipped out of the hands of the authorities and I would find him.
   Later in college, I often read books about adventure and romance with a historical twist which led me to take psychology classes wanting to understand how some of the cruel characters could be so nonchalant about committing such horrible crimes against humanity.
   Little Women a lovely novel made me realize the human struggle to survive and find your soul mate in spite of the real world.
   Old things in particular like a necklace my grandmother gave me, which she purchased in London when she lived there during the World War II held a spot in history I couldn't shake. How could such a sweet woman have survived such a painful time in history and make her way with my mom and grandfather to America.
   Somewhere in time between childhood and adulthood my soul knew I must make the world a better place and not let this point in history go unnoticed. Document the things in life which must be shared and never forgotten and I find myself doing that very thing with each book I write.
   When you read my novels you may realize the crumbs of truth sprinkled on every page.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Love the Character:

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Love the Character:: First we need traits, attitudes, and actions the reader's will love, but here's the problem: If Jackie is too perfect, your audi...

Love the Character:

First we need traits, attitudes, and actions the reader's will love, but here's the problem: If Jackie is too perfect, your audience may not believe in the character. A balance between actual caring and whether the audience can believe in the character is a tight rope balance.
   To solve this problem the writer needs to give Jackie some sign of affection that is not perfect. Jackie must have a small minor failing or weakness in her character or behavior to make us believe in her.
   Let's say she is honest, physically attractive, and has a great sense of humor--but she also has a drinking problem. Jackie comes to the rescue when her best friend is arrested for a murder she didn't commit. You like her already. Right.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Character Appearance


Character Appearance

When an actor is evaluating a part, they try to keep track of how many scenes their character will appear. Will this script move them forward in the audiences mind or is it just a small part. If the character keeps coming back the audience will expect that actor to do something important. Why else would the writer keep bringing him back?
   If the actor has a small part he should remain that way. Say he fills a seat in a cafĂ©, you wouldn't want to keep seeing him in other locations. The same goes for writing a book. The character should fade into the woodwork if he doesn't move the story forward.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: EFFECTIVE PUNCTUATION

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: EFFECTIVE PUNCTUATION: #WRITER"STIP EFFECTIVE PUNCTUATION   Proper form. If you want to emphasis in dialogue or narration use italics. Use boldface e...



Proper form.

If you want to emphasis in dialogue or narration use italics. Use boldface except for headings. Now if you want to show very loud volume, capitalize all the letters. Look at the difference in this one word.



See the difference?  

Wednesday, August 10, 2016



If you would like to add to the reader's emotional experience, don't underestimate the power of texture. The way a person, place, or thing feels against the skin has a powerful reaction.

Luna's cool, wet, nose touched my cheek. Her tiny tongue lightly kissed me; this was Luna's way of saying, "I love you."

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Atmosphere for writing

#writing tips

                                                         Choose your friends wisely

Writers as a group, tend to spend a lot of time alone; it is the nature of the business. A good friend of mine has moved away and I feel the emptiness, she says the same. We have a bond that is positive and creative. Psychologists say if you spend time with someone and the emotions they express are in sync with yours, this can elevate your mood, which helps spark creativity. The same can happen when you are around those who zap your energy. Remember to spend time with loving, positive, uplifting people, this recharges your battery, and spend less time with friends that drain and don't support your efforts. You will write better and smile more.

Monday, June 6, 2016


You have two POV characters in the novel you are reading, but the escalation of the stories are moving at different degrees.
   One character's POV is very exciting and is moving quickly to the climatic moment where Johnny is confronting the thugs on his street. But then there's Jackie's POV: Her boring life and the little things she does to liven it up, are truly flat lining, and isn't going anywhere.
   The pace of the first story is full of drama, life and crisp.
   The second is boring and slow.
   When your stories climax at different times or one story drags down the other, it is time to whip it up. It is best to have POV sections escalate concurrently and reach their climax at the same time. And the POV should always move the story forward. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day!!!

On this Memorial Day I would like to share a #writing tip. Body language can be unique and emotional to your character, and clothing can reveal the vanities and insecurities of such person. Use this idea to round out the character.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Barnes & Noble book signing!!! August 21st. 1 to 3...

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: Barnes & Noble book signing!!! August 21st. 1 to 3...: BOOK SIGNING: SPHERE TALAMH SUNDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 2016 1:00 TO 3:00 BARNES & NOBLE 567 NORTH STEPHANIE HENDERSON, NEVADA 8901...

Barnes & Noble book signing!!! August 21st. 1 to 3pm.



1:00 TO 3:00





Would you like to go on an adventure through space and time? Meet Richard Clary a government agent who by accident transfigures both him and his daughter to the past.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: POINT OF VIEW

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: POINT OF VIEW: You wrote:      I watched Johnny put the car in the garage. He wished I didn't forget his birthday and was thinking how disappointed h...

Friday, May 20, 2016


You wrote:
   I watched Johnny put the car in the garage. He wished I didn't forget his birthday and was thinking how disappointed he was about that.

This is not how to write this paragraph. How would the other POV character really know what Johnny was thinking.
   This is called "head hopping," and even if you are aware of this kind of mistake it can happen  in your first draft. Your character is not psychic in this scene, so you need to rewrite until you master the scene.
   You could clear up the matter by suggesting the character is guessing about the other persons thoughts.

   The way Johnny slammed the door, after he parked the car in the garage, with that look on his face, lead me to believe he was upset. He seemed as if he was disappointed. He looked helpless.  #writingtips

Monday, May 2, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: GOOD WORDS.

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: GOOD WORDS.:                                                              GOOD WORDS I love a good word. Search a dictionary for words you don'...



                                                          GOOD WORDS

I love a good word. Search a dictionary for words you don't know very well. Study these words until you can become familiar with the many ways you can use them. Lookout for words that are useful in your everyday writing. Without valuable words, you are like a ship with no sail. The root meaning of words are full of information that will assist you in understanding the origins and deep emotion in language. When you come across a word you like, make it yours.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Remember to take a break from the normal writing routine to enjoy spring, and to take in inspiration. This can clear your mind and open you up to a new idea.

THE WOMAN WOULD be well-known around the world in the future, but there was no way she could have known that now. What woman could begin to understand, or could predict the future? Twenty-one year-old Crystal Clary reached out into the dark night, her fingers blindly reading the wall, like braille, searching for the edge near the rail, leading to the staircase. She didn't dare flip the light switch in the hall. She did not dare make a sound. Not even a whisper. Not now.
   Silently, Crystal tiptoed down the staircase, the sticky feel of the marble floor on her bare feet sent a chill up her back, where hairs she didn't even know existed, stood out like a spooked cat. Shoes dangling in her left hand along with Tom's car keys.
   Earlier that day, Moray, placed his clammy unwanted hands on her shoulder, and informed her he was interested in a relationship; with her. His eyes told a different story---frightening gaze.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

In scenes where knowledge must be communicated, characters in the story should still be acting, moving, and convey emotion to keep the story flowing smoothly. If you want to carry the feeling of conflict over a long period, clothing and hair out of place, weight loss, upset stomach along with headaches and difficulty sleeping will give this impression.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: It is springtime in Las Vegas; I love to say that....

Crystal Clary Life Adventures: It is springtime in Las Vegas; I love to say that....: It is springtime in Las Vegas; I love to say that. Summer comes so quickly in the desert so we lavish in the sunlight this time of year. Lov...
It is springtime in Las Vegas; I love to say that. Summer comes so quickly in the desert so we lavish in the sunlight this time of year. Love is in the air.
Many writers fade-out when it comes to a love scene that goes beyond a kiss. There's nothing that forbids this action unless--you're afraid to continue. Try a few love scenes, it can't hurt and you maybe pleasantly surprised.